Tender Mercies in the TKM: Lisa

by Sister Talbot

Lisa Naegle was introduced to the missionaries by members. Lisa had married into a family that is strong in the church, and over time, her heart was prepared to join the church. Her father-in-law reached out and let the missionaries know she might be ready to take the lessons.

Throughout her life, Lisa has had several experiences that have helped her as she has been growing in faith. One beautiful moment was when she visited the temple with her husband and her in-laws prior to meeting with the missionaries. Lisa had felt sick that morning, but as soon as she got to the temple, her stomach settled down. She wished she could’ve gone into the temple, but she felt very happy as she walked on the grounds and took a bunch of pictures.

Lisa was baptized on May 4, 2024. As we met together with Lisa, the temple has been one of her primary motivators. She is so excited to be able to go to the temple this weekend, and she cannot wait to be sealed to her husband Robert in the temple in a year!

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