Tender Mercies in the TKM: Brandon

Brandon was first contacted by the missionaries in the Walmart parking lot. As the missionaries starting talking to him, tears filled his eyes as they shared a brief part of the message of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was given a Restoration pamphlet to read.

A couple of days later, we called Brandon and asked if had gotten a chance to read the pamphlet we had left with him. He said yes, and that he felt the spirit had prompted him to do so. He said other church’s had given him different pieces of literature, bit he never had a desire to read them. However, He kept feeling like he needed to read the pamphlet we left with him.

We Invited him to read the Book of Mormon and he begun to fly through it. Every time we would talk, he would have read 5-10 chapters. He ended up finishing the Book of Mormon in around 2 weeks. The Book of Mormon helped him answer so many questions he had. One of his favorite chapters is 2 Nephi 2 where it talks about the meaning of life. Brandon has since read the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.

Before the first interaction, Brandon was planning on attending church by himself for the first time in his life. He still ended up going to a different church for a few weeks, but quickly realized it wasn’t what he was looking for. So he began to come to church with us. He loved it. He repeatedly said “I’m not going anywhere.” He had found his home.

Brandon was baptized on March 2024.

Brandon’s story is a shining testimony that God will direct people who are seeking the truth. It is also a testament of the power of the Book of Mormon and the power of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

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