Tender Mercies in the TKM


#24: Harry told the missionaries, “All I want to do is be a better person.”
#23: Carlos was stopped by missionaries while walking down the street
#22: When Jessii and Mychal moved in with Mychal’s parents, everything changed
#21: Cinthya’s family fled Nicaragua as refugees and met the missionaries
#20: When Jeremy learned about the temple, he said, “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard!”
#19: Three knocks…but no answer. Then Isaac decided to open the door
#18: Denny and his family immigrated from Peru and met the missionaries
#17: Michael broke his ankle, and that led to a string of events that changed his life
#16: Missionaries were led to Samantha, and members made an incredible difference
#15: Steven’s dog Athena led him right to the missionaries
#14: Elder Rumsey’s conversion story
#13: David’s life changed completely after meeting the missionaries
#12: A member’s efforts to share the gospel helps Angel
#11: Amanda’s journey in joining the Church of Jesus Christ
#10: Jake is found through Facebook
#9: Temple Open House helps Cedric join the church
#8: Jason comes back to church and Waylon gets baptized
#7: A miracle helps the sister missionaries find Josh
#6: The miracle of Jose and Martin
#5: Sister Hall’s experience with the Book of Mormon
#4: Persistent missionaries find Brandon and Dominic
#3: “The Book of Mormon found me!”
#2: Mary finds the missionaries
#1: Mike and Ada