Tender Mercies in the TKM: Anthony

Sister Matheny and Sister Webb were driving to visit another person they were teaching, when they saw Anthony getting in his car. They stopped the car and invited him to learn about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Although skeptical at first, Anthony quickly started digging deep into learning about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He said in all his research, he couldn’t prove the church wrong. In everything he read, he was impressed by the goodness of the church and it’s focus on the family.

Sister Webb, Sister Holladay, and Anthony

He attend church that Sunday and as he left, he felt more joy than he has felt in a very long time. He then began to read the Book of Mormon.

When the missionaries first invited him to be baptized, he was hesitant. Although he believed it was true, he wanted a strong, confirming answer from God that would slap him in the face. However, he agreed to being baptized depending on if he received his answer.

Anthony continued to attend church, develop friendships with those in the branch, pray, and intensely study the Book of Mormon. He was baptized on May 4, 2024 and had a spiritually profound experience. Although he never received the answer in the way he was looking for, the gospel, his personal relationship he has developed with the Savior Jesus Christ, and the members of this church have brought greater peace and love into his life than he has ever known before.

Anthony is so excited to participate in all the great blessings being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has to offer!

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