Tender Mercies in the TKM: Sister Rousseau

Hopefully by sharing this i can help someone know that God is always there, even when we dont know it for ourselves at that moment. 

In May, I hit one year of being a missionary, but also three years of being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you would have told me three years ago I would be here serving a mission I would have laughed. 

Three years ago, I was just about to graduate high school. At that time, I was so scared for high school to end. My high school had the one thing that made me feel happy and safe. That was band. The band room was my second home, i didn’t know what I was going to do without it. 

While all of this was happening I received a message on Facebook. These two young men in white shirts and ties had friended me. I had no clue who they were, but it said they were missionaries for a church I had never heard of before. So I responded to their message. 


Much like Nephi in the Book of Mormon, I messaged them “not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.” I didn’t know what was going to come out of the decision to respond to their message.. 

After messaging them for a few days, I decided to meet them in person to learn more. So I met these two boys wearing white shirts and ties at a park. I had my friend with me because it was late and we both thought it could potentially be dangerous. Turns out, it was the best decision I ever made. 

After finding them in a parking lot, we went and sat down at a picnic table. They started talking about this book called the Book of Mormon. Immediately I was interested in it. I had the question growing up, “How is the Bible the only book of scripture we have to prove that God is real?” Well these two missionaries are showing me this book that could answer that question. 

I went home and Immediately started reading this book. 

The next day I went to church with these two missionaries. I hadnt been to church in years and was super anxious. Going to church usually made me have a panic attack, but this time was different. I walked into the chapel and a sense of peace came over me. “Thats a new feeling” I thought to myself. 

One week went by and I started to realize I loved these people and this church. This church made me feel like I felt when I was in the band room. I didnt know that feeling existed outside of band. 

One day after feeling this and acknowledging it, I decided I wanted to join this church. Was this really my new home? Could this replace the band room? 

I texted the elders, “How do I become a member of your church?” 

They promptly responded with “BAPTISM!” 

I decided I wanted to do it, that I wanted to be baptized. So we set a date, May 15, 2021, two days before I graduated high school.  


When the date came, I was so nervous. I anxiously walked into this church building and was told to get dressed. Once I was dressed I walked into the room, There were so many people! But in the midst of my anxiety and nerves there was peace. It then came time for me to enter the water and be baptized. I listened to the man who was baptizing me say the exact words Jesus Christ taught His people to say: 

“Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” 3 Nephi 11:25 

That moment was something I’ll never forget! As I went down into the water, I felt my eyes open, a peace came into my heart, and something changed. For years I had felt disconnected and alone. Now I felt connected and like I was being hugged super tight. 

This is the power of the priesthood and the blessing we get when we are baptized with God’s authority. All I needed was to open the door for my Heavenly Father to be there. Baptism was the way open that door.

As I’ve grown my relationship with Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father, I’ve seen how He is there right when we need Him. The missionaries contacting me when they did was God showing me that He knew I was struggling and wanting to help. 

Three years later I can see how taking that step and being baptized was the right decision. I’m so grateful for those two elders who helped me learn more so I could take that step. 

I testify that God never leaves us alone. He will send us lights so we can return to Him. He will comfort us in times of need. I know that being baptized is the greatest thing you can do. It can change your life forever.  

“Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us…” -Alma 26:27 

I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that He comforts us in times of need. I know that He knows us personally. I know Jesus Christ lives. I testify that He is always there. He never leaves us alone. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Jesus Christ loves you. I invite you, if you haven’t already to take that step, be baptized. You’ll never regret it. Not for one second. 

I say and testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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