Tender Mercies in the TKM: Tony

Tony was going through a difficult time and when he was sitting in the Gazebo at the Bicentennial Park. He was there with his Bible when Sister Smith and Sister Nielson walked past, backed up, and asked if they could read the scriptures with him. He agreed and they had their first study. They then asked if they could meet with him again and he said yes.

Sister Fee, Tony Douglas, and Sister Wilson

The missionaries started meeting with Tony one to two times a week. Through meeting with multiple missionaries, Tony began to come out of his shell and began to openly disclose his relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He could feel the missionaries and the light of Christ keep his spirits up. He truly appreciated the things that he had come to realize. He felt a light that kept him going each time he met with the missionaries. He has truly gained a testimony of prayer and the strength that brings to him.


Tony accepted the invitation to be Baptized on April 28, 2024, six months after the missionaries started teaching him. Tony was baptized on May 19, 2024 and he shared with those in attendance that he felt light! He was then confirmed in sacrament meeting on May 26, 2024 and has since then continued his journey on the covenant path.

Tony now finds greater joy in life since learning about the Gospel and loves to share that light with those around him. He knows that while Satan still works on him he has the tools and faith to make it through the hard times, and enjoys attending church each week. Tony is now working to receive the Priesthood, so he can work towards going to the Temple!

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