Tender Mercies in the TKM: Bradley

by Elder Phillips

Bradley Martijn was referred to us by his step-father who is a member of the church. His mom had a remarkable dream just a few weeks before he met the missionaries. In her dream, she saw her son wearing white and ready to be baptized, and she felt an incredible happiness. She woke up in joyful tears.


The missionaries originally came to visit a member living in the home and started teaching the rest of the family. After taking the lessons, Bradley began to read the Book of Mormon and knew that he should be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. He said that he just knew he needed to do it and felt like it was the right time.

Bradley was baptized on March 2, 2024 and is a member of the Loudon Ward.

Elder Phillips, Elder Bradshaw, Bradley Martijn, Elder Colling

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