Tender Mercies in the TKM: Charlie

by Elder Hatcher

Charlie was just living life as any normal 13-year old boy would: playing football, going to school, enjoying life to its fullest. A friend then invited him to a church that he went to. It was a Christian church of another faith, but there he started to feel the Spirit testify of Jesus Christ and he loved that feeling. That spiritual momentum carried him to get baptized into that church.

Eventually though, people found out that his mom was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or as they called them “Mormon.” They started to treat him differently for it and he was left feeling confused about why people would treat him or his mom differently. He took these concerns to his mom and was wondering why people would be like this, and if there was anyone who would welcome him and help him get as close to Jesus Christ as he could.

His mom, who was not actively participating in the church, knew what Charlie needed. He needed the blessings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in his life. She knew he needed the power that came from the Book of Mormon, but she didn’t have one. She went on Facebook and found one being offered for free by Elder Bonham who wasn’t even in the Dayton area anymore.

Elder Bonham sent Elder Hatcher and Elder Jackson the referral and when they called her that Saturday they asked when they could drop a book off to her. She replied with “Oh, we will just be at church tomorrow! You can give us one then.”

The next day the Elders met Charlie, his mom, and his two sisters. A whole family had come back to the church. This was the first time that Sister Bowen had been in church since Charlie was born. Truly a miracle.

After that, Charlie’s progress quickly began to skyrocket. He was taught the lessons, reading the Book of Mormon, praying, coming to church, and even sharing the Book of Mormon with friends at school! During a lesson with him, his mom, and members he was friends with, the Elders invited Charlie to be baptized by someone who was authorized by God to perform that ordinance. Before he could answer, his mom looked at him and said “Are you sure this is what you really want? This is a lifelong commitment and I won’t let you do it if you’re not all in.”

Charlie responded with a powerful testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He testified that he knew the Book of Mormon was the word of God, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that Jesus Christ’s church was back on the earth today.

Elder Taylor, Charlie Bowen, and Elder Hatcher

Charlie was baptized on April 7, 2024. The plan was to baptize him there, then confirm him at church next week (since it was General Conference weekend) once the member he wanted to confirm him was back in town. But, due to a youth temple trip that was happening the next week, Charlie was baptized, confirmed, and given the Aaronic Priesthood all in one day. He then went on a youth temple trip with all his friends in the branch the very next week on April 14th.

The next day, his first sacrament meeting as a member of the church, he passed the sacrament. Charlie has since given the missionaries two referrals because he just keeps sharing the gospel. Some people have tried to drag him down, and make him question his faith, but he knows what’s true, and he’s not shy to talk about it!

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