Tender Mercies in the TKM: Samuel

by Sister Dalby

Samuel was found when the missionaries were teaching his cousin, Cecelia, and her boyfriend, Fabian. He joined in on the lesson when they invited Cecelia and Fabian to be baptized, and they all said yes!

Cecelia and Fabian ended up having to wait to be baptized so they could get married first, but Samuel went through with his date on April 14, 2024 and is now a confirmed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


The growth that Samuel experienced in a relatively short amount of time is monumental. Cecelia, his cousin and close friend, mentioned to the Hermanas how proud she was of him and how much he had changed since accepting the gospel and strengthening his personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Samuel himself said that he felt himself becoming more patient, having better relationships with his friends and family, and feeling God’s love for him stronger!

One experience that left an impression on Samuel was the first time that a member came with the Hermanas to a lesson. He said that he really appreciated how the member shook his hand, listened to him, and how strong their testimony was.


Throughout the teaching process, the missionaries brought many members over to their home to aid in teaching the lessons. Samuel formed special friendships with some members in the process, including Hermano Knott, the branch mission leader, Felipe Hernandez and Sergio Salazar, members of the branch.

Hermano Knott performed Samuel’s baptism on April 14, 2024, and Samuel received the Aaronic Priesthood on May 19, 2024. He is currently preparing to go to the temple for the first time on June 29, 2024.

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