Tender Mercies in the TKM: Jonper

by Elder Bangerter

Jonper moved to Hendersonville, North Carolina, from Pohnpei, Micronesia, shortly before his baptism. His wife had arrived a few months prior, and was taught and baptized by the missionaries 7 months before Jonper made the trip to the states.

Jonper has been close to the church his whole life. His best friends are all members of the church, and many of his children, who still live in Micronesia, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In the Micronesian Branch here in North Carolina, Jonper has been known as “the stubborn one.” Jonper had been taught by missionaries numerous times back on the island, but refused to take any steps toward conversion.

Something changed for Jonper when he decided to come to the states. A new world, with new beginnings. He knew that baptism by proper authority was something that he needed in his life. Our Branch President, who is one of his good friends, told Jonper before he came: “When you get here, I am dunking you in the water.” And that is close to exactly what happened!.

Right as he arrived, the local members introduced Jonper to the missionaries, reporting that he wanted to be baptized just like his wife. They taught him the lessons and he was doing remarkably well. Jonper only had one concern, the Word of Wisdom. He was partaking of substances very common in Pohnpei, yet contrary to the commandments. Missionaries were told that he needed lots of time to overcome this trial, and that they would let us know when he is ready to be taught again. So the missionaries stopped teaching Jonper, and trusted that the Lord would help him overcome his addiction.

Just a couple weeks later, after I was transferred to the Micronesian Branch, we got a call from Morney, one of Jonper’s closest friends. In Morney’s own words, he said:

“Hey Elders! Jonper has been off that stuff for a couple weeks now and he’s ready to get baptized. How many lessons do you have left to teach him?”

We responded with joy and excitement: “Just one!”

“Okay, come to my brother’s property and teach him today. This guy is ready bruh, he is ready.”

The day Jonper (white shirt) accepted the invitation to be baptized and confirmed.

So we went to the middle of nowhere in the forest of North Carolina, and had a lesson and a meal with Jonper, Morney, and others. There, as we sat around a fire, we taught Jonper the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and invited him to be baptized. He easily accepted the invitation, knowing the gravity of this commitment.

Just a week and a half later, on April 27, 2024, Jonper was baptized by Morney Alati, his good friend who had been there the whole time. Jonper speaks very little English, so daily contact was not really possible for us. However, Morney had daily contact with Jonper, and helped him prepare to be baptized.

Jonper’s baptism – April 27, 2024

At Jonper’s baptism, Morney told me: “I never expected this to happen. Jonper…man he’s hard headed. Something changed in him, he didn’t like the church before, now look at him.”

Just a couple Sundays later, Jonper bore his testimony during Fast and Testimony meeting. It was all in Pohnpeian, but even those who speak Pohnpeian said his testimony couldn’t be translated into English because of the eloquence and power with which he testified.

Now, Jonper and his wife Karlihna are making steps toward entering the House of the Lord to be sealed as husband and wife, and enjoy the blessings of an eternal marriage.

Jonper’s life is forever changed, because he had good friends that continuously shared with him the good news… the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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