Tender Mercies in the TKM: DJ

DJ is from Pohnpei and was baptized on the island in a catholic church. However, it didn’t have much meaning to him and it didn’t change how he thought and acted.

He moved to South Carolina, but could feel he wasn’t on the path he needed to be. So he moved here to Asheville, North Carolina to live with some family. DJ moved in with strong members who recently got sealed as a family in the temple. They were great examples to him and helped us as we taught him.


DJ believed everything we were teaching him, and he overcame every obstacle that came in his way. His testimony was growing, and it was evident that his life was getting better from it.

He was baptized on March 9, 2024. Since then, he hasn’t been shy to share his solid testimony. He has since moved back to Pohnpei to be with his family. He is being an example to his family back home who are not members of the church. 

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