8th TKM Family Olympics

On May 16th, we had three fantastic missionaries who completed their two-year missionary service in the Tennessee Knoxville Mission. We love these Elders and feel so grateful for their sacrifice and the incredible changes we’ve seen in their lives in the time we’ve served together.

Elder Bonham
Elder Dunn
Elder Pollister


With just three missionaries, we met at the mission home for our discussion, gave them each a blessing, and then started the 8th TKM Olympics.


And the winners of the 8th TKM Olympics were Elder Dunn and Elder Bonham!


After the events, we held a testimony meeting. Since we had a small group, we took the three of them to a restaurant for our dinner. We had good food and great conversation as we talked about memorable experiences, favorite areas, and companions who had a big impact on them. And we were so proud…Elder Pollister was working hard right up until the end. He was doing all he could to get our server to agree to come to church. We told him that we would be following up with her.

Great things lie ahead for these three men. While we had the opportunity to serve with them these last 10 months, we’ve seen remarkable changes in each of them.

Elder Bonham has been a missionary that the Lord had a lot of confidence in, and we saw him rise up to tackle many different challenges head on. In the process, the Lord has taught him powerful lessons through those experiences that will bless him for the rest of his life.

When Elder Johnson left the TKM a few transfers ago, he told us, “The Lord loves Elder Dunn!” When I asked him what he meant by that, he told us, “Just watch him. He baptizes everywhere he goes.” We found that to be very true. The Lord loves Elder Dunn.

And I don’t know we’ve seen a missionary change as much as Elder Pollister. We saw his desire and willingness change, and thus the blessings that come with that flowed into his life. Elder Pollister is the definition of “We will fear no man!” He has been 100% committed to talking with everyone. We love his passion and desire to share the gospel.

We now look forward to the next steps for each of them and commit to do all we can to continue to support them in their efforts to be lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.

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