Tender Mercies in the TKM: Harry

by Sister Holladay

Sister Holladay and a ward missionary from the Waynesville Ward, Sister Larson, were knocking doors during the Waynesville Zone Blitz. This is where all the missionaries in a zone gather in the same area to help that area with finding. While knocking doors, Harry and Carleen let them right in! They both love Jesus Christ and were willing to have us come back.

Harry was very happy to learn about the Book of Mormon and read from it. The missionaries asked him to read 3 Nephi 11. When they came back and asked him about it, he said “I read it but I might have to again because I don’t really remember.” He then proceeded to recount the story of Jesus Christ visiting the ancient Americans PERFECTLY and brought a tear to the missionaries’ eyes. That is his favorite Book of Mormon story!


Harry has loved reading more of God’s word and it’s become part of his spiritual foundation. All he wants to do is become a better person.

When Harry was invited to be baptized, he immediately mentioned how being baptized would help him become more like the Savior. Harry was baptized on February 10, 2024. You will never meet a more kind and Christ-loving person!