Tender Mercies in the TKM: Arieana

by Elder Barlow

Arieana is a friend of Bishop Reano’s family, more specifically his daughter Katie Reano’s friend.

Katie invited Arieana to a Wednesday youth night and Arieana loved the people! They were kind and welcoming and she felt comfortable enough to attend church, family home evening, and Young Women’s.

Arieana was attending a different church but didn’t feel like she was learning or focusing on Christ enough in those meetings. She was first taught by the missionaries in early February of 2024. While learning about the gospel, she was very focused and eliminated distractions to learn as much as she could. She loved the lessons, the gospel, and her support from friends and family.


Arieana was baptized on March 2, 2024 and had a great experience. Her greatest experience came the day after her confirmation. She explained that, “I woke up the next morning and told my Nana that I felt different, more calm!”

She already has such a strong testimony of her Savior and is working with the missionaries to teach and baptize her Nana Gail. She is living proof that the Holy Ghost is a Comforter and that it is really powerful as members of the church reach out to Love, Share, and Invite.

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