Tender Mercies in the TKM: Carol

by Elder Jenkins

A member of the LaFollette Branch, Brother Muggridge, found Carol over two years ago. He keeps a Book of Mormon in his car and introduced her to the Book of Mormon. She was interested, so Brother Muggridge introduced her to the missionaries and she began to take lessons.

Over time, Carol lost interest and the missionaries stopped teaching her.

One day, Elder Bluemel and I (Elder Jenkins) were visiting a less active member of the branch. This less active member told us about Carol, who was her neighbor, and how she had been meeting with the missionaries before. She had been talking to Carol about the church, and Carol said she would like to start meeting with the missionaries again.

We went over to Carol’s with her less active neighbor and taught the Restoration. The Spirit was very strong, and after that lesson, Carol started to act on every invitation we gave to her.


Carol has had a really rough life. Whenever she would try and really get into the Book of Mormon, something would happen that would discourage her. But rather than just giving up, she felt those challenges were due to Satan stopping her from getting truth. So she keep reading and had a powerful experience that helped here to know the Book of Mormon is true.


Carol’s mother passed away a year ago and when we taught her about the spirit world and baptisms for the dead, she thought this doctrine was amazing. Carol was able to go to the temple and do baptisms for her mom.

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