Tender Mercies in the TKM: Chelsea

by Sister Fear

The missionaries found Chelsea’s oldest brother, and started teaching his family. Chelsea wasn’t there the first or second time they were taught. But the third time, the 10th of December, there she was! And she’s been there ever since.

From the beginning Chelsea has always had a love for Jesus Christ and willingness to follow him. One night the missionaries taught her how to pray, and she has happily said the prayer in nearly every lesson since. Her prayers have always been heartfelt and faithful.

Chelsea readily kept commitments. After just a few weeks of having a Book of Mormon she was already reading in Alma.

Her very first time at church she bore her testimony of her love for the Savior, saying: “I know I’m new here, but I don’t care. I am so grateful that Jesus Christ sent me these two ladies, to teach me more about him!”

The cute little Rogersville branch quickly fell in love with Chelsea. She has attended church all by herself since and she is a great addition to the growing young women’s progam.

In the middle of January, Chelsea asked to be baptized. When asked why she wanted to be baptized she responded; “I’ve went to lots of churches, but this church just feels right.” She has developed a beautiful testimony of the gospel.

After her baptism she again bore her testimony. She said “the night before I was baptized I was really nervous, but then I prayed. And when I woke up, I wasn’t nervous anymore!”

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