The Living Christ

At our Christmas Zone Conference, we gave the missionaries a gift of a picture flip book of “The Living Christ“. With this gift, we invited the missionaries to memorize this great statement from modern prophets about the role of our Savior Jesus Christ, His example, and the power that comes from His Atonement.


Speaking of “The Living Christ”, President Russell M. Nelson said:

The more we know about the Savior’s ministry and mission—the more we understand His doctrine and what He did for us—the more we know that He can provide the power that we need for our lives…

As you seek to learn more about Jesus Christ, I urge you to study “The Living Christ.” As we invest time in learning about the Savior and His atoning sacrifice, we are drawn to participate in another key element to accessing His power: we choose to have faith in Him and follow Him.”

President Russell M. Nelson, “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives“, April 2017 General Conference

Memorizing the Living Christ has taken a lot of work. It truly has strengthened our faith in Him. At the beginning of each meeting, we’ve had missionaries share their favorite lines from “The Living Christ”.We’ve loved to hear what they are learning as we have memorized this together.

At our last zone conference, we filmed the missionaries reciting “The Living Christ” and have created a video of our missionaries sharing these truths about our Savior Jesus Christ. It is very powerful to watch these missionaries sharing this important statement about our Savior Jesus Christ.

Tonight, on Easter Sunday, we shared this video with our missionaries and their families, and we are grateful to share it here with you too. We testify and Jesus lives, and that because of His resurrection, we each one day will also live again. Because of Him, death is not the end. And because of His resurrection, the choices we make matter, the changes we make matter, and the covenants we make matter and have power.

We are inspired by these missionaries and the incredible efforts they make to testify of Him each day. They are powerful representatives of Jesus Christ. Here is the Tennessee Knoxville Mission reciting “The Living Christ”:


“The Living Christ” flip book:

3 thoughts on “The Living Christ

  1. LOVE this!! Would you be willing to share the link to this flip book so we can create one for ourselves and our families?



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