Tender Mercies in the TKM: Jessii and Mychal

by Sister Smith, Sister Connie, and Jessii


I decided to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after talking to my mother in law who is LDS. She contacted the missionaries and set everything up because I felt so nervous!

The second sister Smith and sister Condie showed up, I swear the Spirit was in the room. By the end of that first meeting, I knew I wanted to be LDS and within a week I knew I felt ready to be baptized.

I’ve never felt closer to Christ than I have since opening the Book of Mormon and delving deeper into the scriptures every chance I get. I no longer feel alone in my struggles, the spirit is with me always and I can FEEL it.

Sister Smith

Jessii and Mychal moved in with their three little kids Skyler, Finley, and Rosemary. They moved in with Mychal’s parents Michael and Deborah Christian.

Sister Deborah Christian approached us one Sunday and told us her daughter-in-law was interested in learning more about the church. She had been reading the Book of Mormon and had many questions about the restored gospel.

The next week Jessii came to church and Mychal came with her after being inactive for about 9-10 years. Later that week we had dinner with Jessii’s in-laws, the Coughlins, and they told us the same thing about Jessii. Sister Condie and I jumped on the opportunity quickly!

A few days later, on a Friday, we were sitting in the Christian’s living room answering Jessii’s questions about the Plan of Salvation. She was hooked! She asked, “Can I get baptized tomorrow?” Sister Condie and I felt like we were in a dream! No way this was real!


We taught Jessi and Mychal the lessons and Mychal was able to become worthy to hold the priesthood so that he could baptize Jessii. On February 3, 2024 Mychal and Jessii entered the waters of baptism together and Jessii was finally baptized! They continue to be supported by their family members in the Maryville ward and they are continuing to grow their testimonies.

This family will always have a special place in my heart. They showed me that the gospel truly brings pure joy and peace into our lives. I will forever be grateful for this family!

Sister Condie

Jessii and Mychal are powerful examples of how much Christ will impact your life the moment you choose to let Him in.

Jessii was so excited to be baptized the first time we met her! She and Mychal started to pray, prioritize scripture study, and come to church. I noticed their strong desire to know the truth and make changes, and watched the light in their life increase so quickly in just a few weeks. They shared with us that the Gospel was what they knew they needed in their lives.

We went through all the lessons and learned a lot together, then Mychal was able to baptize Jessii, and she was confirmed not long after. Since then, they’ve both shared sincere testimonies in church of the Gospel and how valuable it is to their lives. They showed me that God has a plan for each of his children and Christ’s Atonement truly heals.

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