Tender Mercies in the TKM: Jeremy

by Elder Hathaway

We first met Jeremy from a recent convert in our ward. He had a lot going on in his life and this member knew that the gospel would provide Jeremy with the peace and rest he was looking for, so we went and visited him.

We first taught him about the Book of Mormon and invited him to read on his own. We promised that as he did so with real intent, the spirit would testify to him of its truthfulness. He began to read and over the next several weeks, he studied the Book of Mormon very seriously and internalized everything he read.


The Book of Mormon began to have a powerful effect on him. He slowly started to feel more joy in his life, his countenance shone brighter, and he started feeling more peace and comfort even amongst the trials he was experiencing.

Jeremy also came to know of the power of the priesthood in his life as we gave him a blessing of comfort and he felt the Spirit fill his soul with peace throughout the next several days.

A month and a half after we first met him, Jeremy was baptized on January 6, 2024. He hasn’t missed a sacrament meeting since the first time he came.


Jeremy also had a powerful spiritual experience as he attended the temple and was baptized for loved ones who had passed away in his life. When we first taught him about temples, he looked at us after and said, “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.” He knew from that moment that the work that went on inside those holy temples was true.

Jeremy has been a great example to the world of the power and change that can take place within us as we embrace the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. He also is a witness of the promise from Moroni in the last chapter of the Book of Mormon, that those who read and pray with a sincere heart and real intent, will come to know of its truthfulness. 

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