Tender Mercies in the TKM: Denny

by Elder Downs

Denny immigrated from Perú to the United States in 2022. During his travel to the United States he witnessed many miracles and saw the hand of God in his life. He came to know there was a God, and wanted to know more. Previously in his life, he did not believe in God and would even make fun of others for believing.

After arriving to the United States with his family, they temporarily moved in with their cousins, the Godoy family, who are members of the church. 


The Godoy’s shared many principles of the gospel with Denny and his family, and invited the missionaries over to teach them about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. They decided to get baptized, but first they were married.


Denny was baptized January 7, 2024 by his cousin Walter Godoy and has goals to be sealed to his family for time and eternity in the temple.

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