Tender Mercies in the TKM: David

by Elder Rumsey and Elder Driggs

When David put in a request online to meet with missionaries, Elder Taylor and Elder Thompson responded. They shared the Book of Mormon and invited David to church.

Most churches overlooked David because of his wheelchair, but the missionaries offered to get him transportation to church, which meant a lot to him. After a few visits, Elder Rumsey got transferred into the Athens area, and he really connected with David. His testimony and personality was vital in helping David to change and continue growing his faith in Jesus Christ.

David was worried about his tattoos and appearance while coming to church, but the missionaries and members helped him feel comfortable and loved. He states that a lot of the trials he has had in his life was God preparing him to live a clean life. Even though he no longer has his lower left leg, he is grateful that God used that trial as a way to help him to become drug free.

David was interested in the Book of Mormon when the missionaries first started meeting with him. He would have spiritual experiences while reading it, but would also experience periods of doubt.

As his journey progressed, Elder Driggs arrived in Athens and they were able to connect really well. David was steadily progressing when he had obligations to attend to back in his hometown of Alabama. After coming back from a trip to Alabama, David sat down with the missionaries and said he didn’t believe in any of it. This was a pivotal day for David’s testimony. Elder Driggs and Elder Rumsey shared some personal experiences and testified strongly of the restored gospel, and the spirit flooded the room. The missionaries and David were crying tears of joy when a pure miracle of the Lord happened. Mid-conversation the spirit told David: “Get up!”

The missionaries watched in shock as David stood up, walked seven steps, and proclaimed he knew what we taught was true.

One thing David said about missionaries coming by was “When y’all walk in, I feel the spirit walk in with you. When you walk out, it leaves too”.

David still had struggles with his testimony and weaknesses he had to overcome, but he knew that God was working in his life. His life was changing for the better and he was continuing to see it. The Elders invited David to continue to pray to know truth, and to act on the truth he received.

David said that after two days of asking God “not to know if the Book of Mormon was true, but just to know the truth, whatever it may be I would accept”, he had a very spiritual experience watching “Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration”. He said that reading the Book of Mormon after that was a different experience. “I was no longer looking for ways to disprove it. God had opened my eyes to the truth.”

David was ready, but had to say goodbye to Elder Rumsey. Elder Driggs and Elder Huff helped him prepare for baptism. He had daily phone calls or in-person lessons with the missionaries to help support him spiritually while facing major temptation from the adversary. After months of hard work, David was ready.

His baptism was a very spiritual experience for all those involved. After coming out of the water, David was overwhelmed with the Spirit. He knew it meant that he had fully repented of a lifetime of walking without the Lord. David described his baptism in these words: “I felt like I was going to float away. When I came up out of that water I felt like I was going to keep on going. I honestly felt like I was going to keep floating. I felt like a feather. I cried a little bit but it was happy tears. I’ve never felt that good, never felt that amazing.”

David’s life was literally saved by God. He was willing to make sacrifices and his life and our Heavenly Father blessed his and continues to bless him graciously.

One thought on “Tender Mercies in the TKM: David

  1. Wow, what an amazing story. Thank God for the devotion and faith of our youthful missionaries and the impact they have on individuals’ lives!


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