Tender Mercies in the TKM: Jake

by Elder McClellan

Our friend Jake was found through Facebook.

Elder Shelley and Elder McClellan were sending 20 second videos to people through Facebook Messenger when Elder Shelly got a response to a video. It was from Jake who reacted to the video with a heart.

Jake describes how he was found on Facebook.

Much later Jake told us that he usually doesn’t open messages from random people but felt like he needed to open ours. We texted him explaining our purpose and set up to call him the next day. We called him over Facebook Messenger and had a great phone call with him where we explained the Book of Mormon and testified of its power.

He then told us: “well I want one of them books!”

We set up to meet him at the church building a few days later so that we could give him a Book of Mormon. We began teaching him regularly at the church, and he was already very well acquainted with one of our members. A week or two later, we went to his house planning to read the Book of Mormon with him. At that meeting, Jake told us he had received a spiritual witness of the Book of Mormon and he knew it was true. We invited him to be baptized and he accepted.

Jake readily accepted everything we taught him after that experience. He has changed so much since when we first met him and has told us multiple times that the gift of the Holy Ghost has brought so much positive change in his life since he was baptized.

Jake was baptized on January 6, 2024 and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on January 7, 2024.

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