Tender Mercies in the TKM: Waylon and Jason

by Sister Harris

Waylon was baptized and January 6, 2024, and confirmed on January 7, 2024 in the Rotherwood Ward. Waylon is the son of a returning member, Jason, who wanted to come back to church after being less active for 21 years. One day a church ad popped up on Jason’s phone and he decided to reach out to the missionaries. On their first visit, the sisters met Waylon, who wasn’t a member of our church.

The sisters invited Waylon and Jason to join them at the church where they could do a church tour. In that tour, the sisters explained the ordinance of the sacrament. Waylon loved the idea of the sacrament and how young men his age can participate in passing the sacrament. That was one of his first experiences where he felt the Spirit, and that started his conversion to the gospel

Waylon loves reading the Book of Mormon. He said he doesn’t have a specific scripture verse or story that established his testimony of the book, but that reading the stories and learning about modern-day prophets has been a huge comfort and testament to him that God truly loves His children and prepares a way back to Him.

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