3rd TKM Family Olympics

It’s always hard to say goodbye to another group of missionaries. In October, 9 Elders completed their 24 months of missionary service in the Tennessee Knoxville Mission. It’s hard to describe the change that occurs over that time. These missionaries have faced a lot of challenges, grown great faith, learned much about the Doctrine of Christ, their motives align where they are driven by their love for God and their love for the people here in Tennessee, and they have truly become disciples of Jesus Christ.

For this round of the TKM Family Olympics, we had four events:

Corn Hole
Ping Pong

It was a beautiful day in Knoxville and we had a lot of fun together.

In the end, Elder VanderStek carried Team VanderStek/Barlow to victory! President Barlow didn’t feel too good about accepting the award, so he gave a participation award to Elder Purles and Elder Marlor who went 0-4 (haha). It all wraps up with a special award ceremony.

We will always be grateful for the incredible contributions of this great group of missionaries. They have made a tremendous difference in the Tennessee Knoxville Mission.

While it has only been just over three months, we have a deep love for each of these men. We tell them there are few people more invested in them. Me and Kimberly are ALL IN! We hope to celebrate with them all of their greatest moments in life, and we hope they will call on us if there is ever anything they need.

The Lord has great plans for them and so many important things He will ask them to do. And they are ready. The experiences over these last 24 months have prepared them for everything that lies ahead.

One thought on “3rd TKM Family Olympics

  1. President and Sister Barlow,
    I am so impressed with your service and it’s plain to see you want your missionaries to succeed, even after they leave the field. As a grandmother, I am truly grateful to have a grandson in your care. I know that with you and the Lord’s guidance he can’t fail. Thank you ❤️


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