Tender Mercies in the TKM: Mary

Written by Elder Hathaway

We found Mary, or in reality, Mary found us, and that was the real tender mercy in this story.

Mary found us as we were walking around an apartment complex and doing some inspired knocking. As we were walking around, Mary came up to us and asked us if we were Mormons. We told her yes, that we were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

We then taught Mary about the Book of Mormon and set up a time to come back. When we came back, we taught her about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invited her to attend church with us, which she accepted.

Mary ended up coming that Sunday and had an amazing experience. The members of the ward were so welcoming and friendly to her. Over the next 3 months as we taught her, her understanding and testimony of the Gospel grew rapidly. An abundance of faith and joy entered her life.

Mary’s faith is incredible. I remember the first few weeks we were teaching her, she asked about tithing. So we taught her about it and the blessings that come from paying tithing. The very next week at church, she paid tithing! And she hadn’t even been baptized yet! She has so much faith.

About 3 months into our teaching, Mary accepted the invitaion to be baptized. She was baptized on September 2, 2023 in the Oconaluftee River. Her Baptism was so special. The Spirit was so strong as we witnessed her enter into that sacred covenant with our Heavenly Father. There was a peace and warmth that filled the air. The joy that she had as she came out of the water born anew is a moment I will never forget. 

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