Mission Leader Seminar

Have you ever wondered what training new mission leaders receive?  Well…it’s a lot…and it’s incredible. 

Actually, our training first began with our interviews back in October and November. Both Elder Rasband and President Eyring took time to encourage us, give us advice, and teach us about leading missionaries. 

Formal training began with a list of materials we received from the missionary department immediately after our call. That included Handbooks to read, podcasts to listen to, videos to watch, webinars to join, and of course Preach My Gospel.

But by far the most meaningful training we received was this last week where we attending a 4-day Mission Leader Seminar at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. All new mission leaders gathered at this seminar to receive training from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. This was an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience for me and Kimberly. 

We had watched and listened to Mission Leader Seminars from prior years, so we felt we had a good ideas of what to expect. It actually created a high bar because they were so good. But the experience this last week far exceeded any expectations that we started with. It was amazing. 

After His resurrection, the Savior gave His Twelve Apostles the charge to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). Thus, the Twelve Apostles have the primary responsibility for missionary work throughout the world, which is why they personally do the training for new mission leaders. 

The 2023 Mission Leader Seminar was especially historic because the church released a new edition of Preach My Gospel titled Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As this is the primary source we use for training missionaries, this was a very exciting moment to be a part of, and all of the training was based on each of the chapters in this new edition of Preach My Gospel.

There were three especially meaningful moments to us at the seminar:

  1. Hearing from President and Sister Nelson. It was a special experience to be with them.
  2. Elder Holland invited missionaries from the time when Elder Andersen, Elder Stevenson, Elder Soares, and Elder Rasband served as mission presidents. The look of surprise when those former missionaries walked in was priceless. Each of them shed tears because of the love they felt for these missionaries. 
  3. On Sunday, we had a sacrament meeting with President Oaks, President Eyring, and all members of the Quorum of the Twelve where missionaries currently attending the Missionary Training Center blessed and passed the sacrament. 

Each of the speakers spoke for 30 minutes, so it would be impossible to summarize their talks here, but you can read a summary of each of the talks in The Church News. Here are a few highlights:

President M. Russell Ballard – The Restoration: Missionaries should protect, support, teach, and love each other like Joseph and Hyrum Smith.

Elder Quentin L. Cook – Fulfill Your Missionary Purpose: A missionary’s purpose impacts everything they do…If you really believe that everyone needs the Doctrine of Christ, you will feel the need to talk to everyone.

Elder Gary E. Stevenson – Accomplish the Work Through Goals and Plans: If you get the missionary purpose right in your mission, everything changes.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland – Your Influence on the Lives of Your Missionaries: You are always teaching…and sometimes you use words.

Sister Amy A. Wright – Seek Christ-like Attributes: In order to become like Jesus, it is essential that we know His true character and attributes. Becoming more like Jesus Christ requires change.

Elder Gerritt W. Gong – Help People Prepare for Baptism and Confirmation: As you ask in faith, the Holy Ghost will guide you and your missionaries in challenging and unexpected situations.

President Dallin H. Oaks – The Plan of Salvation: The Plan of Salvation is like a map that shows us how to chart our journey through life to the destination our Heavenly Father desires for us. The Book of Mormon has over 30 references to this plan making it a handbook on understanding the Plan of Salvation.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf – Unite with Leaders and Members: Missionaries are disciples of Christ and the extended arm of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles…If we try to build relationships to help accomplish our own goals, those relationships will be shallow and temporary.

Elder David A. Bednar – Teach to Build Faith in Jesus Christ: True faith is always focused on the Savior, His mission, and His Atonement. Rarely should a missionary speak with one of their friends without inviting them to do something to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband – Find People to Teach: Help missionaries connect their purpose to everything they do. Mission leaders who model effective finding and show by example how to find will be a powerful source of inspiration for your missionaries. 

Elder D. Todd Christofferson – Use the Power of the Book of Mormon: Use the Book of Mormon to help people have spiritual experiences. Encouraging people to get their own witness of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon should be central to your teaching.

President Henry B. Eyring – The Gospel of Jesus Christ: The process of conversion begins as missionaries increase in their love of Jesus Christ, and their willingness to make sacrifices for Him…The Holy Ghost is the best guarantor of personal peace than any other source. 

Elder Marcus B. Nash – Search the Scriptures and Put on the Armor of God: Preach My Gospel is designed to help each missionary become both strong and skilled. Strong = missionaries who are strong in the Spirit because they know and love the scriptures, the Lord Himself and the doctrine of His gospel. Skilled = missionaries who are learning how to plan, set goals, find, teach, inviting, follow-up and work in unity with members.

Sister Bonnie H. Cordon – Lifelong Disciples of Jesus Christ: Living the doctrine of Christ can produce the most powerful virtuous cycle, creating spiritual momentum in our lives.

Elder Neil L. Andersen – Help People Make and Keep Commitments: Inviting someone to make a commitment is often an invitation to repent. As commitments are made honestly with agency, the making and keeping of commitments brings spiritual power. 

President Russell M. Nelson and Sister Wendy Nelson: You can count on divine laws working 100% of the time, so seek to identify and understand these laws. It is simple. Focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will know how to resolve every challenge you have. When you teach, teach the doctrine of Christ.

Elder Dale G. Renlund – Seek and Rely on the Spirt: Consistent and diligent work is required to receive the promptings of the Spirit. Rarely do impressions come with reasons why you should act.

Elder Ulisses Soares – Learn Your Mission Language: Help missionaries learn their mission language by helping them know they have been called to do so by a prophet of God. Help them to purify their motives by focusing on loving God and loving His children and desiring to bless them.

Elder Paul V. Johnson – Leading and Serving as Disciples of Christ: Whatever spirit or motivation drives our thoughts and actions determines what grows out of that motivation. Use D&C 121:34-46 as your personal model for effective leadership.

President Dallin H. Oaks: Everything in the gospel begins and ends with our understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and our love and commitment to serve Him.

The other highlight of the seminar was the chance to meet new mission leaders from literally all over the world. We met mission leaders from Canada, France, Germany, Zimbabwe, Ghana, DR Congo, South Africa, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand, the Philippines, and all across the United States. Our partners for all of our role plays during the week were President and Sister Fernandez from Manila and going to the Philippines Cebu Mission. They were incredible, and we feel a great love for them. Every couple we met throughout the week were remarkable in their background and faith in ChristKimberly and I continue to wonder how we ended up as peers with such amazing people. 

Some interesting facts about this group of mission leaders:

  • 138 couples were trained as new mission leaders
  • 25 countries represented
  • 41 languages spoken
  • 81 children are accompanying their parents as mission leaders
  • 4 couples had already started serving
  • 5 couples were serving as senior missionaries when called
  • Date of first call: August 31, 2022
  • Date of last call: May 24, 2023 (Wow! I can’t imagine having only a month to prepare.)

Here are some of the people we spent time with this week:

Lastly, this was one of my favorite pictures from the entire week. This is the group we will be spending the next three years with serving together in the North America Southeast Area:

David and Jennifer Cluff – Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission, Russell and Shawna Judd – Georgia Atlanta North Mission, Mike and Holly Smuin – Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission, David and Lori McGinn – Kentucky Louisville Mission, John and Marci Stevens – North Carolina Raleigh Mission, Mark and Marianne Larsen – Arkansas Little Rock Mission, and Elder Vern P. Stanfill and Sister Alicia Stanfill, North America Southeast Area President

It was hard to leave when the seminar ended on Sunday, and we found ourselves wanting to linger, but then we got this notification: 

It’s time to go! 

2 thoughts on “Mission Leader Seminar

  1. What a wonderful experience! We are so happy for you and for your missionaries who are going to be blessed by your leadership.


  2. Fantastic re-cap, President! The quick summaries of each speaker have a ton to unpack and think about; thank you! I cant wait for your next post.


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